Friday, August 21, 2009

petites Cartes de Visite

Along with taking photos at C.W. events and posting them somewhere for all to see, I became inspired to offer something unique to local C.W. reenactors. The inspiration came while learning about Carte de Visite. I wrote about CDV a couple of days ago.

As I have no wish to reenact the tedious camera, darkroom, and scrapbooking processes required to exactly duplicate an authentic CDV (and few likely would want to sit perfectly still for the minutes required to capture an image), I have come up with a simplified version using a modern camera (disguised as a wooden box camera), photo editing software (Corel PhotoPaint) to crop and sepia-tone the images, and sheets of ivory colored business card computer paper.

Since the resulting product is a bit smaller than the original CDV, I have dubbed these petites Cartes de Visite. I make them for the cost of materials (about $2.00 for ten cards).

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